commencing creation, Allah gathered the souls of Prophets He would send
down to earth and told them that He gave them scripture and wisdom;
after all of them an Apostle (i.e. Muhammad (Pbuh) will come and confirm
their scriptures and that they must believe in him and help him. [Al
Imran 3:81]
they evidently could not be his contemporaries, they helped him only by
saying and writing about his advent, such that their posterity could
have an introduction of him and so trust him.
Muhammad (Pbuh) was commanded by God to inform that he was not the only
Messenger of God to the world [Al Qur’an 46:9]. Scholars say that there
had been some 124,000 Prophet sent to the world who preached in the
language of the respective people [A Qur’an 14:4]. The true religion
they preached and their scriptures got corrupted with passage of time
(with the exception of Al Qur’an). However, the message on the last and
greatest Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is retained till date in the scriptures
of all major world religions.
are presenting here some interesting information from these Books so
that adherents to these religions (as also Muslims) come to know that
Messenger e is not alien to them, get rid of unfounded prejudices
against Islam and the Messenger (Pbuh) and that they may take interest
in the scripture and religion he brought. The reason is that Islam as
given to him is the true religion of the world brought to ultimate
perfection [Al Qur’an 5:3]
scriptures identify the greatest Prophet to come mentioning details of
his birth, events of his life, his followers, etc. Some even give his
Arabic name or its equivalents! This article will help creating right
belief (Iman) in other religionists. Further, it will help Muslims
appreciate yet another facet of greatness of Prophet (Pbuh) and deepen
their Iman. We will see here only a sample of the overwhelming
Prophet (Pbuh) Foretold in Hindu scriptures:
is no doubt that God sent Prophets (Pbuh) to people of India. There is
no mention of any Indian Prophet or scripture in Holy Qur’an. But
Bukhari records Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) as saying he was enjoying breeze
wafting from India laden with fragrance of Tawhid (unity of God). The
four Vedas (scriptures) of Hindus and their epics are said to be
5000-10,000 years old. They contain a great deal of monotheistic ideas,
and of course, prophecies on Hadrath Muhammad (Pbuh).
(1) Atharva Veda
chapter called Kuntapa Sukt of Atharva Veda is said to be very obscure
in meaning and its theme, inscrutable. But it readily makes sense if
looked at with history of Prophet (Pbuh). One verse as translated from
Sanskrit language reads; Hear O people! Narashans will be praised.
O Kaurama! We got 60,090 people from our enemies.
word Narashans means the ‘Praised one’ and the sentence ‘praised one
will be praised’ is peculiar. Here Narashans is a proper noun, Muhammad
in Arabic! Kaurama means emigrant muhajir that Prophet (Pbuh) was. It
also means spreader of peace - peace in Arabic is being salam or Islam!
60,000+ was the population of Makkah who eventually embraced Islam.
The first line of the next verse is translated as;
O Chanter (or Praiser)! Enjoy like a bird on a tree full of fruits.
in Arabic is Ahmad, the other name of Prophet (Pbuh). The verse
compares beautifully with the Qur’anic verses 14:24,25 describing Kalima
Tayyiba (“There is no god but Allah”) as a tree firmly rooted (in the
earth), with branches reaching to heavens, capable of bearing fruit in
all seasons (i.e. the world and the hereafter).
Veda talks about a great sage named Mamaha that means; honoured or
famed Muhammad, again. The Veda mentions a mysterious set of numbers are
associated with objects that the sage would possess. They are simply
incomprehensible. These are; 100 gold coins 10 garlands, 300 horses and
10,000 cows. They can very well be approximate references respectively
to the first batch of Mekkan emigrants to Abyssinia; 10 companions who
were designated by Prophet (Pbuh) as sure entrants to paradise; 313
companions of Battle of Badr and 10,000 companions at the invasion on
(2) Bhavishya Puran
is a Sanskrit work of prophecies. The title means ‘Book of the Future’.
Since Hinduism is based in India it was, and still is, taken for
granted that its sages will be born in India itself. Contrary to this
belief the Book says that a great master will appear in a foreign
country (mlechcha acharya) and live in a sandy region (marusthal). His
name will be Mahaaamad. Within a short span of 18 couplets Mahaamad is
mentioned five times.
couplet enumerates the main identification points of Mahaamad’s
followers; They will be circumcised (unknown in India); cut hair of
their heads short (as against the Indian practice of long uncut hair
knotted into a bun), keep beards call out at top voice (for prayers -
Azan) and will be omnivorous (i.e. eat vegetarian as well as meat). The
class of Hindu religious masters are strict vegetarians). They will be
known as Musalay! These details will completely dispel any suspicions of
coincidence in the matters between Mahaamad and Muhammad (Pbuh)!
is an interesting information in Bhavishya Purana that Mahaamad would
appear to Bhoj, ruler of Dhar, and say that he would establish the
religion of meat eaters, by the command of Ishwar i.e. God. There is a
tradition that long afterwards, Bhoj got terrified on seeing the full
moon split into two. Learned men consulted holy books and told him that
it was one of the signs of the Universal Master to be born in a country
to the West. Bhoj sent his minister to Prophet (Pbuh) in Arabia, who
named the king Abdullah. The Tomb of Abdullah is still there at Dhar.
(3) Mahabharat
is a Hindu epic describing the struggle and triumph of good against
evil. It was written by sage Vyas who also authored Bhavishya Purana.
Mahabharata says that in the last eon called Kali Yug (in which we now
live) a great sage will appear with name Mahaamad. He would preach about
unity of God. He will be driven away from his native place by his own
folk. By him the world would get peace. (Islam means peace).
further says that cloud will provide him shade. It is recorded in
history that Buhaira, the Christian priest of Syria observed this sign
with Muhammad e in his boyhood and identified him as the last Prophet
anticipated for millennia.
Kalki Puran
is a holy book of Hindus describing the advent of the last, the tenth
Avtar to come. An Avatar is considered an incarnation of God, who
appears on earth whenever religion declines and evil abounds, and
corrects the situation. He is of high character and miraculous powers
but subject to predestination and morality. If the term ‘human
representative of God’ is substituted for ‘incarnation of God’ this
description will fit the Islamic concept of Prophet (Pbuh). The signs
and events of the final Avatar Kalki point out to final Prophet Muhammad
(Pbuh). They fit those of Muhammad (Pbuh) neatly and perfectly. They
are as follows;
* Kalki will appear in the last on Kali Yug and will be the guide for the entire world.
* He will be born on the 12th day of the month. Prophet (Pbuh) as born on 12th Of Rabiyyul Awwal).
His parents will be : Vishnu Bhagat and Soomati meaning servant of God
(the Cherisher) and peace. (Messenger’s (Pbuh) father’s name was
Abdullah, God’s servant and mother was Amina refuge giver which includes
the idea of ‘peace’.)
* He will be with a beauty par-excellence. His body will be fragrant.
* He will get wisdom on a mountain. (Messenger (Pbuh) was conferred Prophethood on Mt.Hira)
He will receive a horse from God, which will be faster than lightning.
Riding it he will go around the earth and seven skies. (During Mi’raj
Prophet (Pbuh) got Buraq meaning lightning and toured the entire
Kalki will split the moon.
Bhoj, Cheraman (Zamorin) Perumal the ruler of Indian kingdom of Kerala,
witnessed splitting of the moon performed by Prophet (Pbuh). After
gathering the facts he sailed to Arabia and became Muslim at Prophet’s
(Pbuh) hand. His Tomb is near the city of Salala in Oman (Refer Fig.1).
word ‘Kalki is considered to be a basic word, a noun without a meaning,
as against attribute - based or action - based ones. The preceding
Hindu Books either give attribute based name in sanskrit to the Last
Prophet (Pbuh) or Arabic name, which is also attribute based. The author
thinks that ‘Kalki’ is the Sanskrit transliteration of the Arabic
‘Khalqi’ meaning creation (concrete noun). He is celebrated by Muslims
as being;
(1) Awwal ul Khalki
First of creations
(2) Khair il Khalki
Best of creations
(3) Awf al Khalki
Foremost out of creations
(4) Akram al Khalki
Greatest of creations
Prophet (Pbuh) Foretold in Buddhist Scriptures
is older than Christianity. It originated in India but is prevalent in
entire South Asia and far East. Gautama Buddha, its founder is supposed
to be an agnostic but this is disputed. The word Buddha means
enlightened. Scriptures of Buddhism are available in Sanskrit, Pali,
Sinhalese, Burmese, Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese languages. We could
get the following information collectively from them;
his death bed his grief-stricken disciples asked him who will provide
them guidance after him. The Buddha consoled them by saying; “Do not
think I am the only Buddha. There had been many before me and will be
many after me. (Compare this with the Qur’anic Verse 26:9 “say (O
Muhammad): I am no new thing among Messengers (of Allah....). At
appropriate time a great Buddha will come.”
* He will be born in a country to west ( and not in India) Refer Fig.1
* He will migrate from his homeland.
* He will look at the Universe face to face. (Compare this with Mi’raj).
* His countrymen cannot be reformed until his advent.
He will preach the same religion as mine but its perfection and success
will reach peak stage only in his time (Compare this with the Qur’anic
Verse 5:3 “..... I have perfected your religion for you.. . and have
chosen Al Islam for you as religion... “).
* While my disciples are in hundreds, his will be in thousands.
The Chief disciple Ananda asked him how to identify the great Buddha when he eventually comes. Gautama told them,
* “His name will be Maitreya.”
word maitreya means love, kindness, compassion, mercy, and so on. The
Arabic for mercy is rahmat. Rahmat is title given to the Sayyidul
Mursaleen e Leader of Prophets, by Allah in Qur’an ! He refers to him
Rahmatan lil Alameen Mercy unto the worlds (21:07)
Rahshatun lilladeena amanu minkum Mercy unto the believers (9:61)
Rahmatan min Rabbika Mercy from thy Lord (28:46)
can see that the Indian scriptures refer to the Ultimate Prophet (Pbuh)
ultimate both in time and greatness in clear, direct terms. No stretch
of imagination, playing with words and linguistic nuances or involved,
artificial interpretations are needed to grasp the point. No complicated
inductive or deductive logic is required for drawing the conclusion. On
the other hand, the facts are recorded in a straightforward manner and
are available for all to verify. No hearsay need be believed
uncomfortably. The plain truth is inescapably evident that it is Hadhrat
Muhammad (Pbuh), the chosen one (Mustafa) to be the greatest of
Prophets for all people of the world and awaited by all of them since
time immemorial.
we find that in these scriptures statements implying plurality of God
have been interpolated causing confusion with Monotheistic concept that
is La ilaha il Allah in Arabic). But the statements amounting to
Apostleship of Muhammad (Pbuh) “Muhammadur Rasoolullah” is miraculously
left intact!
Prophet (Pbuh) Foretold in Parsi Scriptures
religion or Magianism was established in Persia in ancient times by
Prophet Zoroaster and hence also known as Zoroastrianism. The suggestion
by some that he was a Prophet of Islam cannot be ascertained or denied
for lack of direct evidence in Qur’an and Hadeeth. Their scripture
Avezda is in Zend (old Persian) language and foretells of the advent of
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). The Parsi religion at Rasoolullah’s time
suffered, and still does, from two main deviations Tawheed (monotheism).
(1) It divided good and evil between two gods - god of evil was not worshipped, though
(2) Parsis worship fire as God’s manifestation.
Avezda, Dasatir is also a holy book of Parsis. These two give the
details of the appearance of Prophet of Arabia (Pbuh) in the following
A great sage will appear in a sandy region to the west.
His name will be Astvat-ereta or Soeshyant.
Astvat-ereta means the Praised one Muhammad in Arabic. Soeshyant means mercy to the worlds, Rahmat lil Alameen in Arabic.
At his time the Parsis will abandon fire worship and will turn towards a temple which will be purified by removal of idols.
conquering Makkah, Prophet (Pbuh) went straight to the Ka’abah, the
oldest ever Mosque on earth, and eradicated the 360 idols, reciting the
Qur’anic Verse; “Truth has come and falsehood vanished. Falsehood is
ever bound to vanish” (Al Qur’an 17:81).
clear prophecies when Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) appeared these three
great communities of the world missed him for various reasons;
(1) Hindus because scriptural knowledge was not disseminated but kept confined to the priestly class;
(2) Buddhists because of information barriers due to geographical distances and
Parsis because of jealousy and prejudices even though Prophet (Pbuh)
and his followers were in touch with Persia. However, Persians
eventually embraced Islam, the Prophet’s (Pbuh) religion except for a
minuscule minority.
to 25% of people of Indian subcontinent converted to Prophet’s (Pbuh)
faith. Conversions of Buddhists of Asia to Islam is to a much lesser
degree. But due to today’s information and communication revolutions and
current economic prominence of the Arab land the message of Prophet
(Pbuh) is reaching the Asians, and also all other peoples of the world
on a much wider scale. But this phenomenon is almost totally independent
of the prophecies. They are therefore joining the faith he preached in a
fresh series of waves.
Allahu A’lam. God alone knows the truth of everything, including the above mentioned prophecies in these three faiths. By M.I.Liaqath Ali
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