Tuesday, 12 December 2017
The Arabic word shirk is the opposite of tawheed, Allah's oneness and uniqueness, and is more inclusive than polytheism and idolatry. Shirk contradicts the very purpose of creation as expressed in the Quran:
"I have not created jinn or mankind except to worship Me." (Quran 51:56)
Prophets were sent with the mission to eradicate shirk and to invite humanity to single out Allah in worship.
What is Shirk?
Shirk is to associate someone other than Allah in those aspects which are unique to Allah and His exclusive right. Shirk is to worship created beings like Allah is worshipped, to venerate created beings like Allah must be venerated, and to assign a portion of His divinity to someone else.
Severity of Shirk !
There is no issue upon which Islam is so strict as the one of tawheed (monotheism). Therefore, shirk is considered the greatest violation with which the Lord of the heavens and the earth is defied. The severity of shirk can be summarized in the following points:
(1) Shirk makes the Creator like His creation, in that matters that are exclusive to Allah are associated with others who have no right to it. Therefore, Allah declares shirk to be the greatest wrong,
"Indeed to ascribe partners (unto Him) is a tremendous wrong." (Quran 31:13)
(2) Allah has declared that He will not forgive the sin of shirk unless the person repents from it,
"Surely Allah forgives not that a partner should be set up with Him, and forgives all besides that to whom He pleases." (Quran 4:48)
(3) Allah has forbidden Paradise to those who do not repent from committing shirk, condemning him to Hell for eternity,
"Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, Allah has forbidden to him Paradise and his abode is the Fire." (Quran 5:72)
(3) All the good works a person may have done are lost, become worthless, and are rendered vain if a person dies unrepentant of shirk,
"And certainly, it has been revealed to you and to those before you: if you should associate (anything) with Allah, your work would surely become worthless, and you would surely be among the losers." (Quran 39:65)
(4) Shirk is the deadliest of all major sins. On one occasion, the Prophet, may Allah praise him, asked his companions if they knew what was greatest of all major sins. He then explained to them,
"The major sins are: shirk, not being kind to one's parents...." (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)
Types of Shirk
(1) Greater Shirk (Shirk Akbar)
(2) Lesser Shirk (Shirk Asghar)
Definition of Greater Shirk:
Greater Shirk is associating others with Allah in those aspects which are unique to Allah in his person taking a rival or associate unto Allah and making it an equal to Allah.
Shirk in Allah Being the Lord
This category includes:
(i) Atheism (the belief that human beings have no Lord).
Pharaoh denied the existence of Allah and claimed his own self to be the Lord over Moses and the people of Egypt. He announced to people:
"I am your Lord, Most High." (Quran 79:24)
Modern day philosophers that deny the existence of Allah or scientists who consider the universe created itself or has no beginning or end fall under this category. Also, the idea that nature itself is God, or that God dwells within His creation is also shirk.
(b) The belief that Allah shares His rule and control over the creation.
People who fall into this category are those who may believe in Allah's powers and abilities, but also believe that Allah is several "persons," that He is somehow "split" into different beings. An example is Christians who believe that Allah is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all at the same time. Also, Hindus believe in One God who takes the forms of Brahma – the creator-god, Vishnu – the preserver-god, and Shiva – the destroyer-god. Islam teaches that Allah is One in every sense: perfect, indivisible, and complete.
Another example of this shirk is held by people who pray to the dead. They believe the souls of the saints and other people can meddle in the affairs of mortal men, that somehow the departed souls can cause change in the life of men and women by answering their prayers or in other ways. The truth is that the dead have no power over the lives of the living; they cannot answer anyone's prayers, nor protect them, nor grant their wishes.
Greater Shirk: Shirk In Allah's Names & Attributes
Making Allah like the creation or making the creation like Allah is the essence of shirk on Allah's Names and Attributes. It can be further classified into two types:
(i) Humanizing Allah by giving Him attributes similar to humans is shirk. Depictions of God in paintings and sculpture are of this type. Christianity, the major religion of the West, views God in human terms, as Jesus is considered God incarnate by them, so it naturally produced the likes of Michelangelo who depicted the Face and Hand of 'God' in paintings. Hindus worship countless idols as forms of God. On the contrary, the Muslim tradition has been clear on this point because of the Quran's clear teachings,
"There is nothing like Him, and He sees and hears all things." (Quran 42:11)
(ii) Another form of this type of shirk is when human beings are deified by giving them divine names or qualities. For example, the Christians raise Mary, the mother of the Jesus, to a divine status by giving her some of Allah's attributes, such as the Merciful. They also call Mary the mother of God, 'God' being a reference to her son Jesus. The latter they have called the Living God, the First and the Last – Names reserved for God alone. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah praise him, said:
"Allah Almighty has said: 'The son of Adam... reviled Me and he had no right to do so... As for his reviling Me, it is his saying: Allah has taken to Himself a son, while I am the One, the Everlasting Refuge. I beget not nor was I begotten, and there is none comparable to Me.'" (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, An-Nasai)
Greater Shirk: Shirk in Allah's Right To Worship
In this category of shirk, acts of worship are directed to other than Allah and the reward for worship is sought from the creation instead of the Creator. Praying, bowing, and putting one's forehead on the ground are acts of worship reserved only for Allah.
"So when they ride in the ships, they call upon Allah, being sincerely obedient to Him, but when He brings them safe to the land, lo, they commit Shirk with Him." (Quran 29:65)
Examples of Shirk in Allah's Right To Worship
(1) To love Allah correctly is to worship Him. A form of Greater Shirk is giving someone a portion of love reserved for Allah. Allah is the only One loved for His own sake. Two things beloved for their own sake cannot coexist in one heart. Love of Allah is different from the love of one's parents, spouse, or children as it is coupled with a feeling of His awe and holiness and leads a person to pray to Allah, trust Him, hoping for His mercy, fearing His punishment, and to worship Him alone. Loving other beings as Allah should be loved is shirk in love. A Muslim should not be attached to anything else to a level where it enslaves his heart. Hearts get attached to power, money, glamour, women, music, drugs, and alcohol, to name a few. These things can become the 'god' in one's life who a person chases day and night, and, once he gets the thing he loves, he works hard to please it. That is why the Prophet, may Allah praise him, said a man who worships money will always be miserable[Saheeh Al-Bukhari] and the Quran says,
"And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe love Allah (more than anything else)." (Quran 2:195)
(2) Shirk in supplication. First, supplication or invocation (known as du'a in Arabic) is part of worship as the Prophet, may Allah praise him, said:
"Supplication is the essence of worship." (Abu Daud, Al-Tirmidhi, Ahmad)
Calling upon dead saints, righteous men or those who are absent and far away for help and assistance as Allah should have been prayed to is Greater Shirk. It includes praying, invoking or supplicating to a false deity, prophet, angel, saint, idol, or anything besides Allah. Christians pray to a man, the Prophet of Allah, Jesus, whom they claim to have been God incarnate. Catholics pray to saints, angels, and Mary as the "mother of God." It is also shirk to pray to Prophet Muhammad or to deceased holy men believing that they can answer prayers, as Allah says,
"Say: 'Behold, I have been forbidden to worship those whom you invoke instead of Allah.'" (Quran 6:56)
"And do not invoke besides Allah that which neither benefits you nor harms you, for if you did, then indeed you would be of the wrongdoers." (Quran 10:106)
"If you pray unto them they hear not your prayer, and if they heard they could not grant it you. On the Day of Resurrection they will disown association with you. None can inform you like Him Who is Aware." (Quran 35:14)
(3) Shirk in obedience. Allah is the only Ruler of the affairs of men. Allah is the supreme Lawgiver, the Absolute Judge, and the Legislator. He distinguishes right from wrong. Just like the physical world submits to its Lord, human beings must submit to the moral and religious teaching of their Lord, the Lord who sets apart right from wrong for them. In other words, Allah alone has the authority to make laws, determine acts of worship, decide morals, and set standards of human interaction and behavior. His is the command:
"His is the Creation and Command." (7:54)
"Legislation is not but for Allah. He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know." (Quran 10:40)
Obeying religious leaders in matters of clear disobedience to Allah is a form of Greater Shirk as Allah says:
"They (referring to Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their Lords besides Allah." (Quran 9:31)
They made partners unto Allah not by directly praying to them, but by willfully accepting their rabbis and clergy changing the lawful into prohibited and the forbidden into lawful in Allah's religion. They gave their religious men the authority only Allah has - to set the divine law. For example, the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church has the authority to determine how God is to be worshipped. He has full authority to interpret, change, and cancel both his own laws and those established by earlier popes, so he determines liturgical service and fasting.
(4) Making a vow for other than Allah.
(5) Sacrificing an animal to venerate or please someone other than Allah, like a saint.
(6) Going around the graves of saints. Bowing or prostrating to people or graves.
(7) Fearing other beings as Allah should be feared in afflicting a person with punishment.
(8) Seeking super-natural help and aid from other than Allah of what they are not capable of providing like asking angels or saints for help.
(9) Making a 'middle-man' (intercessor) between one self and Allah, praying to the 'middle-man' and relying on him.
Definition of Lesser Shirk:
Lesser Shirk is what has been specifically called shirk in the Quran and Sunnah, but does not reach the level of greater Shirk. Also, lesser Shirk is said to lead to greater Shirk. Some scholars have said lesser Shirk is so vast that it is difficult to define it precisely. The most important examples of lesser Shirk are:
Charms & Omens:
Wearing charms, talismans, and amulets for protection against the evil eye, bad luck and the like thinking that Allah has placed these powers in them constitute lesser Shirk.
Swearing an Oath in the Name of Other than Allah:
Taking an oath, or swearing, in the name of someone other than Allah is a type of lesser Shirk given that a person does not intend to venerate the one in whose name the oath is being taken, else it turns into greater Shirk. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah praise him, said,
"The one who takes an oath in the name of other than Allah commits disbelief or Shirk."[Ahmad, Abu Daud, Al-Tirmidhi, Nasai, and Hakim]
Riyaa (Showing-Off)
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah praise him, said:
"The thing that I fear most for you is lesser Shirk."
They said: "O Messenger of Allah, what is lesser Shirk?" He said:
"Riyaa (showing off), for Allah will say on the Day when people are recompensed for their actions: 'Go to those for whom you were showing off with your deeds in the world, and see what reward you find with them.'" (Ahmad)
Riyaa is to perform worship in order to be seen and praised by people. Riyaa renders a deed void; the person earns sin instead of reward from Allah, and it exposes him to punishment.
Human beings, by nature like to be praised, are not fond of criticism, and do not like to be seen deficient in any way. Islam views doing religious acts to impress others instead of pleasing Allah - what should have been done for Allah is done for people - as shirk. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah praise him, said:
"Allah (glorified and exalted be He) said: 'I am so self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he who does an action for someone else's sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me.'" (Saheeh Muslim)
There is a good chance of a believer falling into riyaa because it is hidden, it sits in the heart, pollutes the intention, and a person has to be extremely vigilant to correct it. Ibn Abbas, one of the Prophet's companions, said,
"Shirk in the Muslim nation is more hidden than a black ant crawling on a black stone in the middle of a moonless night."[Ibn Abi Hatim]
Intention is a simple matter, but sometimes changing it can be difficult. A person has to listen to their heart and see what motivates a certain action. A Muslim has to carefully watch his intention to keep it pure whenever he performs a good deed like salah, giving charity, fasting, serving his parents, or even smiling. Perhaps this is why the saying of Allah's Name has been prescribed before all acts of importance in daily life – eating, drinking, sleeping, going to the toilet, waking up, and going to sleep. Remembering Allah keeps the heart aware of Allah and the intention pure.
Let us understand with simple examples how riyaa may affect worship:
(a) Let us say the basic motive when you stand up to pray is for people to see you, or notice you are praying, wish to be praises for that. This invalidates the act of worship.
(b) Let us say you started off to pray with sincerity, your intention was to pray for Allah, but then you started thinking about pleasing people, and slowly your intention changed. You do one of the two things. If you resist the temptation of getting noticed, it will not have any effect on you because the Prophet, may Allah praise him, said: "Allah has forgiven my ummah for what crosses their minds, so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it." But if you do nothing and do not resist the temptation of doing the act of worship so you may be seen or noticed; instead you slowly start to beautify your salah to be noticed, and so the entire act of worship may become invalid.
(c) Unintended praise is not harmful. The Prophet, may Allah praise him, was asked about that and said: "That is the first glad tidings of the believer." It is not showing off if a person feels happy because he has done an act of worship; actually, it is a sign of his faith. The Prophet, may Allah praise him, said:
"Whoever feels happy because of his good deeds and sad because of his bad deeds, that is the believer."
The Prophet has provided us with words of protection against this inconspicuous shirk that can be said anytime of the day. One day the Prophet delivered a sermon saying,
'O People, fear 'shirk', for it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant.' (At-Tabarani)
Those whom Allah wished asked, 'And how do we avoid it when it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied,
'Allah-humma inna na-oodtho-bika an nush-rika bika shay-ann naa-lamu, wa nas-tagh-fi-ruka limaa laa naa-lam.'
'Say, "O Allah, we seek refuge with You from knowingly committing shirk with You, and we seek Your forgiveness for what we do unknowingly."[Ahmad]
Differences Between Greater Shirk & Lesser Shirk
(1) Both are defined differently.
(2) The greater Shirk expels a person from the fold of Islam, whereas the lesser Shirk does not take one out of Islam, but reduces one's belief in Allah.
(3) A person who dies committing greater Shirk will be in Hell Fire for eternity; this is not the case with one committing lesser Shirk.
(4) Greater Shirk wipes out and annuls all good deeds, whereas lesser Shirk only ruins the deeds it motivates or is a part of.
(5) Greater Shirk is not forgiven by Allah except through sincere repentance done before death; whereas it is up to Allah to punish or forgive lesser Shirk.
source newmuslims.com
Sunday, 3 December 2017
The Methodology of Dawah Manual & Method
The Methodology of Dawah Manual & Method (The Miraculous Argument)
Our Dawah Manual and Method represents a core concept in Dawah. It highlights how the greatest evidence for the existence of God is the Qur'an itself. By means of what is known as "The Miraculous Argument" it allows the Da'ee to delve straight into a Qur'an focused Dawah conversation; overruling any need to resort to complex and digressive philosophical arguments. It is a manual that offers a structured approach to delivering the message of Islam while detailing practical steps of implementation. It is without doubt useful to both the beginner and seasoned practitioner.The manual is freely available to anyone around the globe, in order to help them develop their Dawah skills. The methodology of dawah manual is freely available; to be copied, distributed, translated or hosted on websites for the promotion and development of Dawah.
The latest version of the manual (version 6.1) can be downloaded at From Our website
A extract from The Methodology of Dawah -
are many revelations on Earth that claim to be from some or other Deity
or group of Deities. How can one differentiate between them all? What
are the criteria used to determine which one we select as the most
appropriate or one we can ascribe to The God? Now many contemporary
Du’aat play a lot of intellectual gymnastics with Atheists and adherents
to other faith systems. This sort of excessive philosophical rhetoric
can become overwhelming and is mostly unproductive; often leading to
dead ends and very little of the message being imparted. Therefore a
more justifiable approach is to bring the Quran in as early as possible,
since this does two things in particular:
- You are teaching them about Islam from the outset by using the Quran
- You are able to avoid the intellectual gymnastics of debate in terms of philosophy or cosmological science.
should note that we are proving the existence of God via means of
rational reflection and through deduction based on the presence of
Quran. We provide a rational foundation to why we believe what we
believe and in particular why we consider the Quran to be from God. We
do not and should not resort to what is known as circular reasoning i.e.
simply stating that the Quran is from God, because it states that it is
from God in the Quran.
battle of Aql (intellect) and Naql (Text/Revelation) is an imaginary
one, as there is no conflict between the two in reality and anyone who
makes it an ‘either or’ is actually confused. This is because although
the rational mind leads us to accept that the Quran is from God, it also
leads to the understanding that we are limited before God – hence the
correct intellect (Sahih Aql) and the Naql (revealed texts) will never
clash. The Naql will be accepted over the Aql where there is a perceived
contradiction or misunderstanding as we can appreciate the limitation
in knowledge possessed by man and as such Allah knows best.
is a list of criteria that anyone of sound mind would use to justify
and distinguish a revelation as being attributed to God almighty.
•Preserved in wording & Meaning
•Logical view of God
•Internally consistent and profound
•Externally consistent and profound
•Miraculous Nature
•Applicable Guidance and Purpose
before we discuss how the Quran meets the above criteria it is
extremely important to highlight the context within which the Quran was
revealed. This is because once you come to understand and appreciate how
the Quran was revealed before mankind or moreover the people at the
time of revelation it will add an extra dimension to the realisation
that it would become infinitely more difficulty for this body of text to
be the concoction of one or more groups of individuals. www.JustDawah.Org
Friday, 1 December 2017
Pagan Origins of Birthdays
following is a list of quotes from writings and writers, ancient and
modern, religious and secular, attesting to the Pagan origins and nature
of celebrating one’s supposed day of birth. Of course many
contemporary, secularized people will object and say that “birthdays” no
longer have any religious significance(despite the fact that all the
ancient pagan rituals are maintained and preserved in the modern
celebrations). However if you profess to be a Muslim, a Jew, or a
Christian, you should not be doing this; Especially after you become
aware that the word “secular” has the same definition as
`irjaa(separating beliefs from actions, i.e. separating public actions
from privately held beliefs(religion)). Yet “religion” is, from the
Latin “religare”, “that which binds”, thus making Secular Humanism a
religion in its own right.
“Shaytan has gained the mastery over them, and caused them to forget Allah’s Remembrance. Those are Shaytan’s party; why, Shaytans party, surely, they are the losers!,” –[Qur'an: Surah al-Mujadilah: 58:19].
Say: O Kafirun! (disbelievers), I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. Nor will I worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship. You have your religion and I have my religion.´ —[Qur'an: Surah al-Kafirun: 109:1-6]
“Whoever imitates a people is from them,” –[Sunan Abu Dawud]
“Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: ‘You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah’s Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)” those before you”? He said: ‘Who else (than those two religious groups)’?,” –[Sahih Muslim].
“The Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) also said: ‘The Day of Judgment will not come until my Nation closely imitates the nations before them.” It was asked: “Like the PERSIANS and ROMANS, Messenger of Allah?” He (may peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Who are the nations (I could mean) except those?” [Sahih Bukhari].
“Originally the idea [of birthday greetings and wishes for happiness] was rooted in magic. The working of spells for good and evil is the chief usage of witchcraft. One is especially susceptible to such spells on his birthday, as one’s personal spirits are about at that time. Dreams dreamed on the birthday eve should be remembered, for they are predictions of the future brought by the guardian spirits which hover over one’s bed on the birthday eve. Birthday greetings have power for good or ill because one is closer to the spirit world on this day. Good wishes bring good fortune, but the reverse is also true, so one should avoid enemies on one’s birthday and be surrounded only by well-wishers. “Happy birthday” and Many (more) happy returns of the day” are the traditional greetings”, -[The Lore of Birthdays, Linton, p. 20]…
“The giving of birthday gifts is a custom associated with the offering of sacrifices to pagan gods on their birthdays. Certainly the custom was linked with the same superstitions that formed the background for birthday greetings. The exchange of presents is associated with the importance of ingratiating good and evil fairies on their or our birthdays [ibid].
“The traditional birthday cake and candles also have their origin in ancient pagan idol worship. The ancients believed that the fire of candles had magical properties. They offered prayers and made wishes to be carried to the gods on the flames of the candles. Thus we still have the widely practiced birthday custom of making a wish, then blowing out the candles. The Greeks celebrated the birthday of their moon goddess, Artemis, with cakes adorned with lighted candles…” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
“The Egyptians discovered to which of the gods each month and day is sacred; and found out from the day of a man’s birth, what he will meet with in the course of his life, and how he will end his days, and what sort of man he will be,” [Herodotus, Persian Wars, Book II, ch. 82].
“Since it was believed that the positions of the stars at the time of birth influenced a child’s future, astrological horoscopes came into being, purporting to foretell the future, based on the time of birth. “Birthdays” are intimately linked with the stars, since without the calendar, no one could tell when to celebrate his birthday. They are also indebted to the stars in another way, for in early days the chief importance of birthday records was to enable the astrologers to chart horoscopes,” [The Lore of Birthdays, p. 53].
Rawlinson’s translation of Herodotus includes the following footnote: “Horoscopes were of very early use in Egypt and Cicero speaks of the Egyptians and Chaldeans predicting a man’s destiny at his birth”…
Furthermore, the book “The Lore of Birthdays” (New York, 1952) by Ralph and Adelin Linton, on pages 8, 18-20 had this to say:
“The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or DAEMON(jinn) who attended his birth and watched over him in life. This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born”.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, radyAllahu anhu:
“Allah’s Apostle, may Allah’s peace and blessings be on him said: ‘There is none amongst you with whom is not an attache from amongst the jinn (devil). They (the Companions) said: Allah’s Apostle May Allah’s peace and blessings be on him with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not command me but for good’”, –[Sahih Muslim 6757, similar narration 6759 by 'Aisha, radyAllahu anha].
“The Romans also subscribed to this idea. . . . This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the “guardian angel”, the “fairy godmother” and the “patron saint”(the dead Sufi master for the Sufis). . . . The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks. . . . Honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [Artemis]. . . . *”Birthday” candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes*. . . . Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune…”
Thus birthdays had their origin in mythology and magic, with horoscoping also playing a role.
“Nay, indeed, the law does not permit us to make festivals at the birth of our children, and thereby afford occasion of drinking to excess,” [Josephus. Translated by W. Whiston. Against Apion, Book II, Chapter 26. Extracted from Josephus Complete Works, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids (MI), 14th printing, 1977, p. 632].
In their essay titled “Birthdays, Jewishly,” Lisa Farber Miller and Sandra Widener point out that the Encyclopedia Judaica is very blunt on this topic:
“The celebration of birthdays is unknown in traditional Jewish ritual.”
“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD,” [Deuteronomy 18:10-12].
“You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, And the monthly prognosticators Stand up and save you From what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, The fire shall burn them; They shall not deliver themselves From the power of the flame” [Isaiah 47:13-14].
“But some have felt, basically by seeing certain alleged manger scenes, that the Magi/wise men came from the East and gave Jesus presents on the day of His birth,” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
Well, there are a few issues with this.
First, the wise men definitely were not with `Isa, alayhi salam, on the day of His birth. The Bible is clear that he had already been born:
1 “Now AFTER Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him” [Matthew 2:1-2].
“Furthermore, notice that they came to worship Him, not celebrate His birthday. It was customary in those times (and still is today) to provide gifts when meeting royalty. Thus, the wise men meeting Jesus and providing presents should not be construed as a birthday celebration”.
Late, Orthodox Catholics were against the celebration of birthdays. The Catholic Encyclopedia states:
“Origen, glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia, asserts (in Lev. Hom. viii in Migne, P.G., XII, 495) that in the Scriptures sinners alone, not saints, celebrate their birthday [Martindale C. Christmas, 1908].
Here is some of what Origen wrote:
“…of all the holy people in the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born into this world below” -[Origen, in Levit., Hom. VIII, in Migne P.G., XII, 495) (Thurston H. Natal Day. Transcribed by Thomas M. Barrett. Dedicated to Margaret Johanna Albertina Behling Barrett. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume X. Copyright 1911 by Robert Appleton Company. Online Edition Copyright 2003 by K. Knight. Nihil Obstat, October 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York].
History of celebration of birthdays in the West:
“It is thought that the large-scale celebration of birthdays in Europe began with the cult of Mithras, which originated in Persia but was spread by soldiers throughout the Roman Empire. Before this, such celebrations were not common; and, hence, practices from other contexts such as the Saturnalia were adapted for birthdays. Because many Roman soldiers took to Mithraism, it had a wide distribution and influence throughout the empire until it was supplanted by Christianity.”
“Christmas is also relevant because December 25th was the day of celebration of the birthday of the sun-god Mithra. Perhaps it should also be mentioned that one of the key features of Mithraism was Sunday observance. The reason that this seems to be relevant is that the Roman Emperor Constantine, the first Roman Emperor to make a profession of Christ, was also the first Emperor to make Sunday laws–which he began to do on March 7, 321. Also, a few years later, the Council of Nicea that Constantine convened in 325 A.D. declared Sunday to be the “Christian day” of worship (for more information, please see the article Europa and the Book of Revelation).”
“According to the fourth century historian Epiphanius, some who observed Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month, claimed that Emperor Constantine mandated a Sunday observance of it in the Council of Nicea in 325 in order to somehow honor his birthday,” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil]:
“You changed the Passover to Constantine’s birthday” -(Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section VI, Verse 9,4. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 410-411).
The World Book Encyclopedia notes:
“Christmas…In 354 A.D., Bishop Liberius of Rome ordered the people to celebrate on December 25. He probably chose this date because the people of Rome already observed it as the Feast of Saturn, celebrating the birthday of the sun (Sechrist E.H. Christmas. World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 3. Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Chicago, 1966, pp. 408-417).
“Hence, it would seem to follow that since those who professed Christ as late as the third century did not celebrate birthdays, that it was not after a Roman Emperor implemented Sunday, that perhaps he and others were amenable to adopting other practices of Mithraism–one of which was birthday celebrations. This is apparently how birthdays became to be celebrated amongst those that professed Christianity. A celebration for the date of Jesus’ birth in Rome probably began near this time, but was mandated no later than 354 A.D.”
“Thus the “birthday of the sun” festivities were a major factor in the date chosen for followers of Greco-Roman Christianity to celebrate. And once those that professed Christ began to widely celebrate that “birthday”, other birthday celebrations became more common,” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
“Back in 1969 Anton Lavey wrote The Satanic Bible.
On page 96 on the 1976 version, it mentions birthdays: “THE highest of all holidays in the Satanic religion is the date of one’s own birth. This is in direct contradiction to the holy of holy days of other religions, which deify a particular god who has been created in an anthropomorphic form of their own image, thereby showing that the ego is not really buried.
The Satanist feels: “Why not really be honest and if you are going to create a god in your image, why not create that god as yourself.” Every man is a god if he chooses to recognize himself as one. So, the Satanist celebrates his own birthday as the most important holiday of the year. After all, aren’t you happier about the fact that you were born than you are about the birth of someone you have never even met? Or for that matter, aside from religious holidays, why pay higher tribute to the birthday of a president or to a date in history than we do to the day we were brought into this greatest of all worlds?
Despite the fact that some of us may not have been wanted, or at least were not particularly planned, we’re glad, even if no one else is, that we’re here! You should give yourself a pat on the back, buy yourself whatever you want, treat yourself like the king (or god) that you are, and generally celebrate your birthday with as much pomp and ceremony as possible”"-[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
CONCLUSION: Celebrating “Birthdays” originated in magic and Pagan mythology. Besides the fact that we humans are spiritual beings having a human experience and not vice versa, and thus do not know the date of our actual birth, rather what we know is our “earth” day, “birthdays” were traditionally celebrated by followers of Mithra. After a sun-worshiping emperor(Constantine) made a profession of Christ and passed the first Sunday law, he did not consider that there were problems with celebratory aspects of Mithraism/Saturnalia as long as Christ and believers, and not Mithra, were the focus of the celebrations.
“But should we be following the example of the Romans who mixed practices of Mithraism into their religion or of those who first accepted Christ?, “-[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil]
“Whoever imitates a people is from them,” -[Sunan Abu Dawud].
And Allah knows best.
By Yusha Evans
Our Website is www.JustDawah.org
“Shaytan has gained the mastery over them, and caused them to forget Allah’s Remembrance. Those are Shaytan’s party; why, Shaytans party, surely, they are the losers!,” –[Qur'an: Surah al-Mujadilah: 58:19].
Say: O Kafirun! (disbelievers), I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. Nor will I worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship. You have your religion and I have my religion.´ —[Qur'an: Surah al-Kafirun: 109:1-6]
“Whoever imitates a people is from them,” –[Sunan Abu Dawud]
“Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: ‘You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah’s Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)” those before you”? He said: ‘Who else (than those two religious groups)’?,” –[Sahih Muslim].
“The Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) also said: ‘The Day of Judgment will not come until my Nation closely imitates the nations before them.” It was asked: “Like the PERSIANS and ROMANS, Messenger of Allah?” He (may peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Who are the nations (I could mean) except those?” [Sahih Bukhari].
“Originally the idea [of birthday greetings and wishes for happiness] was rooted in magic. The working of spells for good and evil is the chief usage of witchcraft. One is especially susceptible to such spells on his birthday, as one’s personal spirits are about at that time. Dreams dreamed on the birthday eve should be remembered, for they are predictions of the future brought by the guardian spirits which hover over one’s bed on the birthday eve. Birthday greetings have power for good or ill because one is closer to the spirit world on this day. Good wishes bring good fortune, but the reverse is also true, so one should avoid enemies on one’s birthday and be surrounded only by well-wishers. “Happy birthday” and Many (more) happy returns of the day” are the traditional greetings”, -[The Lore of Birthdays, Linton, p. 20]…
“The giving of birthday gifts is a custom associated with the offering of sacrifices to pagan gods on their birthdays. Certainly the custom was linked with the same superstitions that formed the background for birthday greetings. The exchange of presents is associated with the importance of ingratiating good and evil fairies on their or our birthdays [ibid].
“The traditional birthday cake and candles also have their origin in ancient pagan idol worship. The ancients believed that the fire of candles had magical properties. They offered prayers and made wishes to be carried to the gods on the flames of the candles. Thus we still have the widely practiced birthday custom of making a wish, then blowing out the candles. The Greeks celebrated the birthday of their moon goddess, Artemis, with cakes adorned with lighted candles…” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
“The Egyptians discovered to which of the gods each month and day is sacred; and found out from the day of a man’s birth, what he will meet with in the course of his life, and how he will end his days, and what sort of man he will be,” [Herodotus, Persian Wars, Book II, ch. 82].
“Since it was believed that the positions of the stars at the time of birth influenced a child’s future, astrological horoscopes came into being, purporting to foretell the future, based on the time of birth. “Birthdays” are intimately linked with the stars, since without the calendar, no one could tell when to celebrate his birthday. They are also indebted to the stars in another way, for in early days the chief importance of birthday records was to enable the astrologers to chart horoscopes,” [The Lore of Birthdays, p. 53].
Rawlinson’s translation of Herodotus includes the following footnote: “Horoscopes were of very early use in Egypt and Cicero speaks of the Egyptians and Chaldeans predicting a man’s destiny at his birth”…
Furthermore, the book “The Lore of Birthdays” (New York, 1952) by Ralph and Adelin Linton, on pages 8, 18-20 had this to say:
“The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or DAEMON(jinn) who attended his birth and watched over him in life. This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born”.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, radyAllahu anhu:
“Allah’s Apostle, may Allah’s peace and blessings be on him said: ‘There is none amongst you with whom is not an attache from amongst the jinn (devil). They (the Companions) said: Allah’s Apostle May Allah’s peace and blessings be on him with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not command me but for good’”, –[Sahih Muslim 6757, similar narration 6759 by 'Aisha, radyAllahu anha].
“The Romans also subscribed to this idea. . . . This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the “guardian angel”, the “fairy godmother” and the “patron saint”(the dead Sufi master for the Sufis). . . . The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks. . . . Honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [Artemis]. . . . *”Birthday” candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes*. . . . Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune…”
Thus birthdays had their origin in mythology and magic, with horoscoping also playing a role.
“Nay, indeed, the law does not permit us to make festivals at the birth of our children, and thereby afford occasion of drinking to excess,” [Josephus. Translated by W. Whiston. Against Apion, Book II, Chapter 26. Extracted from Josephus Complete Works, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids (MI), 14th printing, 1977, p. 632].
In their essay titled “Birthdays, Jewishly,” Lisa Farber Miller and Sandra Widener point out that the Encyclopedia Judaica is very blunt on this topic:
“The celebration of birthdays is unknown in traditional Jewish ritual.”
“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD,” [Deuteronomy 18:10-12].
“You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, And the monthly prognosticators Stand up and save you From what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, The fire shall burn them; They shall not deliver themselves From the power of the flame” [Isaiah 47:13-14].
“But some have felt, basically by seeing certain alleged manger scenes, that the Magi/wise men came from the East and gave Jesus presents on the day of His birth,” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
Well, there are a few issues with this.
First, the wise men definitely were not with `Isa, alayhi salam, on the day of His birth. The Bible is clear that he had already been born:
1 “Now AFTER Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him” [Matthew 2:1-2].
“Furthermore, notice that they came to worship Him, not celebrate His birthday. It was customary in those times (and still is today) to provide gifts when meeting royalty. Thus, the wise men meeting Jesus and providing presents should not be construed as a birthday celebration”.
Late, Orthodox Catholics were against the celebration of birthdays. The Catholic Encyclopedia states:
“Origen, glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia, asserts (in Lev. Hom. viii in Migne, P.G., XII, 495) that in the Scriptures sinners alone, not saints, celebrate their birthday [Martindale C. Christmas, 1908].
Here is some of what Origen wrote:
“…of all the holy people in the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born into this world below” -[Origen, in Levit., Hom. VIII, in Migne P.G., XII, 495) (Thurston H. Natal Day. Transcribed by Thomas M. Barrett. Dedicated to Margaret Johanna Albertina Behling Barrett. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume X. Copyright 1911 by Robert Appleton Company. Online Edition Copyright 2003 by K. Knight. Nihil Obstat, October 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York].
History of celebration of birthdays in the West:
“It is thought that the large-scale celebration of birthdays in Europe began with the cult of Mithras, which originated in Persia but was spread by soldiers throughout the Roman Empire. Before this, such celebrations were not common; and, hence, practices from other contexts such as the Saturnalia were adapted for birthdays. Because many Roman soldiers took to Mithraism, it had a wide distribution and influence throughout the empire until it was supplanted by Christianity.”
“Christmas is also relevant because December 25th was the day of celebration of the birthday of the sun-god Mithra. Perhaps it should also be mentioned that one of the key features of Mithraism was Sunday observance. The reason that this seems to be relevant is that the Roman Emperor Constantine, the first Roman Emperor to make a profession of Christ, was also the first Emperor to make Sunday laws–which he began to do on March 7, 321. Also, a few years later, the Council of Nicea that Constantine convened in 325 A.D. declared Sunday to be the “Christian day” of worship (for more information, please see the article Europa and the Book of Revelation).”
“According to the fourth century historian Epiphanius, some who observed Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month, claimed that Emperor Constantine mandated a Sunday observance of it in the Council of Nicea in 325 in order to somehow honor his birthday,” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil]:
“You changed the Passover to Constantine’s birthday” -(Epiphanius. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III (Sects 47-80), De Fide). Section VI, Verse 9,4. Translated by Frank Williams. EJ Brill, New York, 1994, pp. 410-411).
The World Book Encyclopedia notes:
“Christmas…In 354 A.D., Bishop Liberius of Rome ordered the people to celebrate on December 25. He probably chose this date because the people of Rome already observed it as the Feast of Saturn, celebrating the birthday of the sun (Sechrist E.H. Christmas. World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 3. Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Chicago, 1966, pp. 408-417).
“Hence, it would seem to follow that since those who professed Christ as late as the third century did not celebrate birthdays, that it was not after a Roman Emperor implemented Sunday, that perhaps he and others were amenable to adopting other practices of Mithraism–one of which was birthday celebrations. This is apparently how birthdays became to be celebrated amongst those that professed Christianity. A celebration for the date of Jesus’ birth in Rome probably began near this time, but was mandated no later than 354 A.D.”
“Thus the “birthday of the sun” festivities were a major factor in the date chosen for followers of Greco-Roman Christianity to celebrate. And once those that professed Christ began to widely celebrate that “birthday”, other birthday celebrations became more common,” -[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
“Back in 1969 Anton Lavey wrote The Satanic Bible.
On page 96 on the 1976 version, it mentions birthdays: “THE highest of all holidays in the Satanic religion is the date of one’s own birth. This is in direct contradiction to the holy of holy days of other religions, which deify a particular god who has been created in an anthropomorphic form of their own image, thereby showing that the ego is not really buried.
The Satanist feels: “Why not really be honest and if you are going to create a god in your image, why not create that god as yourself.” Every man is a god if he chooses to recognize himself as one. So, the Satanist celebrates his own birthday as the most important holiday of the year. After all, aren’t you happier about the fact that you were born than you are about the birth of someone you have never even met? Or for that matter, aside from religious holidays, why pay higher tribute to the birthday of a president or to a date in history than we do to the day we were brought into this greatest of all worlds?
Despite the fact that some of us may not have been wanted, or at least were not particularly planned, we’re glad, even if no one else is, that we’re here! You should give yourself a pat on the back, buy yourself whatever you want, treat yourself like the king (or god) that you are, and generally celebrate your birthday with as much pomp and ceremony as possible”"-[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil].
CONCLUSION: Celebrating “Birthdays” originated in magic and Pagan mythology. Besides the fact that we humans are spiritual beings having a human experience and not vice versa, and thus do not know the date of our actual birth, rather what we know is our “earth” day, “birthdays” were traditionally celebrated by followers of Mithra. After a sun-worshiping emperor(Constantine) made a profession of Christ and passed the first Sunday law, he did not consider that there were problems with celebratory aspects of Mithraism/Saturnalia as long as Christ and believers, and not Mithra, were the focus of the celebrations.
“But should we be following the example of the Romans who mixed practices of Mithraism into their religion or of those who first accepted Christ?, “-[Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?: Do Birthdays Have Pagan Origins?, Bob Theil]
“Whoever imitates a people is from them,” -[Sunan Abu Dawud].
And Allah knows best.
By Yusha Evans
Our Website is www.JustDawah.org
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
A Brief History Of Christmas
Christmas Tree here in ancient carvings shows the Pagan custom... The
fish symbol you see today stems from these same pagan customs.... The
Roman Pontiff is simply a regurgitation of the old pagan sun god’s hat
dating back to Nimrod of Ancient Babylon 2234 B.C.
In ancient pagan times, the last day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere was celebrated as the night that the Great Mother Goddess gives birth to the baby Sun God. It is also called Yule, the day a huge log is added to a bonfire, around which everyone would dance and sing to awaken the sun from its long winter sleep.
In Roman times, it became the celebrations honouring Saturnus (the harvest god) and Mithras (the ancient god of light), a form of sun worship that had come to Rome from Syria a century before with the cult of Sol Invictus. It announced that winter is not forever, that life continues, and an invitation to stay in good spirit.The last day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere occurs between the 20th and 22 December. The Roman celebrated Saturnalia between 17 and 24 December.
The early Christians to avoid persecution during the Roman pagan festival, early Christians decked their homes with Saturnalia holly. As Christian numbers increased and their customs prevailed, the celebrations took on a Christian observance.
But the early church actually did not celebrate the birth of Christ in December until Telesphorus, who was the second Bishop of Rome from 125 to 136AD, declared that Church services should be held during this time to celebrate "The Nativity of our Lord and Saviour." However, since no-one was quite sure in which month Christ was born, Nativity was often held in September, which was during the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (modern-day Rosh Hashanah). In fact, for more than 300 years, people observed the birth of Jesus on various dates.
In the year 274AD, solstice fell on 25th December. Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the date as "Natalis Solis Invicti," the festival of the birth of the invincible sun. In 320 AD, Pope Julius I specified the 25th of December as the official date of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christmas official, but not generally observed
In 325AD, Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman emperor, introduced Christmas as an immovable feast on 25 December. He also introduced Sunday as a holy day in a new 7-day week, and introduced movable feasts (Easter). In 354AD, Bishop Liberius of Rome officially ordered his members to celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December.
However, even though Constantine officiated 25 December as the birthday of Christ, Christians, recognising the date as a pagan festival, did not share in the emperor's good meaning. Christmas failed to gain universal recognition among Christians until quite recently. In England, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas festivities between 1649 and 1660 through the so-called Blue Laws, believing that Christmas should be a solemn day.
When many Protestants escaped persecution by fleeing to the colonies all over the world, interest in joyous Christmas celebrations was rekindled there. Still, Christmas was not even a legal holiday until the 1800s. And, keep in mind, there was no Father Christmas (Santa Claus) figure at that time.
Christmas becomes popular
The popularity of Christmas was spurred on in 1820 by Washington Irving's book The Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall. In 1834, Britain's Queen Victoria brought her German husband, Prince Albert, into Windsor Castle, introducing the tradition of the Christmas tree and carols that were held in Europe to the British Empire. A week before Christmas in 1834, Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol (in which he wrote that Scrooge required Cratchit to work, and that the US Congress met on Christmas Day). It was so popular that neither the churches nor the governments could not ignore the importance of Christmas celebrations. In 1836, Alabama became the first state in the US to declare Christmas a legal holiday. In 1837, T.H. Hervey's The Book of Christmas also became a best seller. In 1860, American illustrator Thomas Nast borrowed from the European stories about Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, to create Father Christmas (Santa Claus). In 1907, Oklahoma became the last US state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. Year by year, countries all over the world started to recognise Christmas as the day for celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Have a merry Christmas
Today, many of the pagan uses are reflected in Christmas. Jesus was born in March, yet his birth is celebrated on 25 December, the time of solstice. The Christmas celebrations end the 12th day of Christmas (6 January), the same amount of days that the return of the sun was celebrated by ancient and Roman pagans. It thus is no surprise that Christian puritans - or even conservative Christians - often are upset that Christmas "is not as religious as it was meant to be," forgetting that Christmas was not celebrated at all until fairly recently.
Does Christmas have Biblical Evidence?
The word 'Christmas' does not exist in the Bible. The Bible has closed lips on the entire feast of Christmas, with one exception, the decoration of a tree. The Bible itself criticizes the decoration of the (Christmas) trees:
"The customs of the people are worthless, they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel, they adore it with silver and gold, they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter" (Jeremiah 10-3,4).
European Pre-Christian pagans superstitiously believed that the green trees had special protective powers. In fact the use of the Christmas tree began only in the 17th century in Strasbourg, France and from there it spread to Germany, Britain and then to the U.S. "Tree worship was a common feature of religion among the Teutonic and Scandinavian peoples of northern Europe before their conversion to Christianity…German settlers brought the Christmas tree custom to the American colonies in the 17th century. By the 19th century its use was quite widespread". (Compton's Encyclopedia, 1998 Edition)
Was Jesus born on Dec. 25?
Neither the date 25th Dec. nor any other date on Jesus' birth is mentioned in the Bible. It was not until the year 530 C.E. that a monk, Dionysus Exigus, fixed the date of Jesus' birth on Dec. 25th. . "He wrongly dated the birth of Christ according to the Roman system (i.e., 754 years after the founding of Rome) as Dec. 25, 753". (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 ed.) This date was chosen in keeping with the holidays already indoctrinated into pagans beliefs.
Roman pagans celebrated Dec. 25th as the birth of their 'god' of light, Mithra.
"In the 2nd century A..D., it (Mithraism) was more general in the Roman Empire than Christianity, to which it bore many similarities" (The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, 1995 ed.)
Other pagan 'gods' born on Dec. 25th are: Hercules the son of Zeus (Greeks); Bacchus, 'god' of wine (Romans); Adonis, 'god' of Greeks, and 'god' Freyr of Greek-Roman pagans.
What about Santa Claus?
If aliens descended on earth during the Christmas season, they would undoubtedly believe Christmas as being Santa's birthday. The words 'Santa Claus', appear nowhere in the Bible.
However, Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was a real person, a bishop, who was born 300 years after Jesus. According to legend, he was extremely kind and set out at night to bring presents to the needy. After his death on 6th of Dec., school boys in Europe began celebrating a feast day each year.
Queen Victoria later changed the celebration date from Dec. 6th to Dec. 24th eve.
Did Jesus or his Companions Celebrate Christmas?
If Jesus meant his followers to celebrate Christmas, he would have practiced it himself and enjoined it on his followers. There is no mention in the entire Bible that any of his followers ever celebrated Jesus' birthday like Christians do today.
"The church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event of Christmas until the 4th century" (Grolier's Encyclopedia)
Thus we see that neither the Bible nor Jesus and his companions say anything about the celebration of Christmas which currently involves fanfare, commercialization, and extravagant spending, devoid of any spiritual relevance.
In ancient pagan times, the last day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere was celebrated as the night that the Great Mother Goddess gives birth to the baby Sun God. It is also called Yule, the day a huge log is added to a bonfire, around which everyone would dance and sing to awaken the sun from its long winter sleep.
In Roman times, it became the celebrations honouring Saturnus (the harvest god) and Mithras (the ancient god of light), a form of sun worship that had come to Rome from Syria a century before with the cult of Sol Invictus. It announced that winter is not forever, that life continues, and an invitation to stay in good spirit.The last day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere occurs between the 20th and 22 December. The Roman celebrated Saturnalia between 17 and 24 December.
The early Christians to avoid persecution during the Roman pagan festival, early Christians decked their homes with Saturnalia holly. As Christian numbers increased and their customs prevailed, the celebrations took on a Christian observance.
But the early church actually did not celebrate the birth of Christ in December until Telesphorus, who was the second Bishop of Rome from 125 to 136AD, declared that Church services should be held during this time to celebrate "The Nativity of our Lord and Saviour." However, since no-one was quite sure in which month Christ was born, Nativity was often held in September, which was during the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (modern-day Rosh Hashanah). In fact, for more than 300 years, people observed the birth of Jesus on various dates.
In the year 274AD, solstice fell on 25th December. Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the date as "Natalis Solis Invicti," the festival of the birth of the invincible sun. In 320 AD, Pope Julius I specified the 25th of December as the official date of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christmas official, but not generally observed
In 325AD, Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman emperor, introduced Christmas as an immovable feast on 25 December. He also introduced Sunday as a holy day in a new 7-day week, and introduced movable feasts (Easter). In 354AD, Bishop Liberius of Rome officially ordered his members to celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December.
However, even though Constantine officiated 25 December as the birthday of Christ, Christians, recognising the date as a pagan festival, did not share in the emperor's good meaning. Christmas failed to gain universal recognition among Christians until quite recently. In England, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas festivities between 1649 and 1660 through the so-called Blue Laws, believing that Christmas should be a solemn day.
When many Protestants escaped persecution by fleeing to the colonies all over the world, interest in joyous Christmas celebrations was rekindled there. Still, Christmas was not even a legal holiday until the 1800s. And, keep in mind, there was no Father Christmas (Santa Claus) figure at that time.
Christmas becomes popular
The popularity of Christmas was spurred on in 1820 by Washington Irving's book The Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall. In 1834, Britain's Queen Victoria brought her German husband, Prince Albert, into Windsor Castle, introducing the tradition of the Christmas tree and carols that were held in Europe to the British Empire. A week before Christmas in 1834, Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol (in which he wrote that Scrooge required Cratchit to work, and that the US Congress met on Christmas Day). It was so popular that neither the churches nor the governments could not ignore the importance of Christmas celebrations. In 1836, Alabama became the first state in the US to declare Christmas a legal holiday. In 1837, T.H. Hervey's The Book of Christmas also became a best seller. In 1860, American illustrator Thomas Nast borrowed from the European stories about Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, to create Father Christmas (Santa Claus). In 1907, Oklahoma became the last US state to declare Christmas a legal holiday. Year by year, countries all over the world started to recognise Christmas as the day for celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Have a merry Christmas
Today, many of the pagan uses are reflected in Christmas. Jesus was born in March, yet his birth is celebrated on 25 December, the time of solstice. The Christmas celebrations end the 12th day of Christmas (6 January), the same amount of days that the return of the sun was celebrated by ancient and Roman pagans. It thus is no surprise that Christian puritans - or even conservative Christians - often are upset that Christmas "is not as religious as it was meant to be," forgetting that Christmas was not celebrated at all until fairly recently.
Does Christmas have Biblical Evidence?
The word 'Christmas' does not exist in the Bible. The Bible has closed lips on the entire feast of Christmas, with one exception, the decoration of a tree. The Bible itself criticizes the decoration of the (Christmas) trees:
"The customs of the people are worthless, they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel, they adore it with silver and gold, they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter" (Jeremiah 10-3,4).
European Pre-Christian pagans superstitiously believed that the green trees had special protective powers. In fact the use of the Christmas tree began only in the 17th century in Strasbourg, France and from there it spread to Germany, Britain and then to the U.S. "Tree worship was a common feature of religion among the Teutonic and Scandinavian peoples of northern Europe before their conversion to Christianity…German settlers brought the Christmas tree custom to the American colonies in the 17th century. By the 19th century its use was quite widespread". (Compton's Encyclopedia, 1998 Edition)
Was Jesus born on Dec. 25?
Neither the date 25th Dec. nor any other date on Jesus' birth is mentioned in the Bible. It was not until the year 530 C.E. that a monk, Dionysus Exigus, fixed the date of Jesus' birth on Dec. 25th. . "He wrongly dated the birth of Christ according to the Roman system (i.e., 754 years after the founding of Rome) as Dec. 25, 753". (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 ed.) This date was chosen in keeping with the holidays already indoctrinated into pagans beliefs.
Roman pagans celebrated Dec. 25th as the birth of their 'god' of light, Mithra.
"In the 2nd century A..D., it (Mithraism) was more general in the Roman Empire than Christianity, to which it bore many similarities" (The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, 1995 ed.)
Other pagan 'gods' born on Dec. 25th are: Hercules the son of Zeus (Greeks); Bacchus, 'god' of wine (Romans); Adonis, 'god' of Greeks, and 'god' Freyr of Greek-Roman pagans.
What about Santa Claus?
If aliens descended on earth during the Christmas season, they would undoubtedly believe Christmas as being Santa's birthday. The words 'Santa Claus', appear nowhere in the Bible.
However, Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) was a real person, a bishop, who was born 300 years after Jesus. According to legend, he was extremely kind and set out at night to bring presents to the needy. After his death on 6th of Dec., school boys in Europe began celebrating a feast day each year.
Queen Victoria later changed the celebration date from Dec. 6th to Dec. 24th eve.
Did Jesus or his Companions Celebrate Christmas?
If Jesus meant his followers to celebrate Christmas, he would have practiced it himself and enjoined it on his followers. There is no mention in the entire Bible that any of his followers ever celebrated Jesus' birthday like Christians do today.
"The church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event of Christmas until the 4th century" (Grolier's Encyclopedia)
Thus we see that neither the Bible nor Jesus and his companions say anything about the celebration of Christmas which currently involves fanfare, commercialization, and extravagant spending, devoid of any spiritual relevance.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
New Muslim Gift Pack
stocks last we have available free gift packs for New Muslims in the
United Kingdom consisting of 'The New Muslim Guide' & My Prayer
Projects 'How To Perform Salaah Book and DvD'.
People who are born into Islam have the benefit of having a foundation with their parents and family. The Qur’an is on their bookshelf, Arabic words are mixed into conversation without needing definition, and there is an environment of tradition that provides a reference point for looking at the world. A Revert is experiencing the total opposite. He or she doesn’t have any sort of religious connection with their family anymore, and there is sometimes backlash from parents and extended family about the decision to become a Muslim.
Even if there’s no significant backlash, there are usually no blood relatives to talk to about Islam, no one to clarify things, and usually no family support to be offered in the entire process. All of these things can cause an immense amount of stress and disillusionment. It’s common for Reverts to have moments of breakdown where they feel like nobody is on their side. Reverts need support from individuals in their community to feel empowered as Muslims. This doesn’t require a full-time therapist, but just people to make them feel at home.
When a Revert tells his friends that he or she just became Muslim, they receive a wide range of reactions. Even if their friends are supportive, they will still be really puzzled and they will ask a million questions that most born Muslims would have trouble answering.Their friends might stick around for a while, but chances are their habits are not always what a New Muslim wants to be around. After they deny a few invitations to go to parties, their freinds might stop calling all together. Friends who seem to have abandoned you can cause a lot of depression and loneliness, and it will always take a while to replace a decent group of friends with a good group of Muslim friends.
We found the most beneficial advice on how to best help reverts came from actually asking previous reverts themselves. An unheard of notion, we know, but it really did help us in gathering the best resources and tips for reaching out to reverts.
So we are actively engaged in helping New Muslims to the best of our abilities and with your help will, Insha'Allah (God Willing) continue to do so.
Recently a brother who I met for a coffee was extremely pleased with his copy of The New Muslim Guide, he told me "this is very informative and answers so many question that I have on certain topics such as Fasting, Eid, Hajj, Salaah and daily muslim life."
One problem he has found amongst some muslims is that they will tell him don't do this or don't do that but wont be able to explain why! which is where informative books such as this should really be of benefit to him.
These exquisitely illustrated guides presents New Muslims with the first steps and the foundation stage in learning about this great religion, which is undoubtedly the best blessing Allah has bestowed upon man. They provide New Muslims with guidelines in most aspects of life that they may encounter and responds to their urgent queries and thus gives them ample support to deal with people around them and successfully deal with the various situations in which they are most likely to find themselves in.
Presented in a straightforward style, these guides also provides them with documented information from The Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
So If you are a New Muslim living in The United Kingdom and would like a gift pack then please do get in touch.
We also have permission and the templates to reprint the Prayer Booklets and DvD's from my Prayer Project, so if you would like to help in reprinting then please get in touch.
“Who will loan Allah a beautiful loan so He may multiply it for him many times?” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 245]
People who are born into Islam have the benefit of having a foundation with their parents and family. The Qur’an is on their bookshelf, Arabic words are mixed into conversation without needing definition, and there is an environment of tradition that provides a reference point for looking at the world. A Revert is experiencing the total opposite. He or she doesn’t have any sort of religious connection with their family anymore, and there is sometimes backlash from parents and extended family about the decision to become a Muslim.
Even if there’s no significant backlash, there are usually no blood relatives to talk to about Islam, no one to clarify things, and usually no family support to be offered in the entire process. All of these things can cause an immense amount of stress and disillusionment. It’s common for Reverts to have moments of breakdown where they feel like nobody is on their side. Reverts need support from individuals in their community to feel empowered as Muslims. This doesn’t require a full-time therapist, but just people to make them feel at home.
When a Revert tells his friends that he or she just became Muslim, they receive a wide range of reactions. Even if their friends are supportive, they will still be really puzzled and they will ask a million questions that most born Muslims would have trouble answering.Their friends might stick around for a while, but chances are their habits are not always what a New Muslim wants to be around. After they deny a few invitations to go to parties, their freinds might stop calling all together. Friends who seem to have abandoned you can cause a lot of depression and loneliness, and it will always take a while to replace a decent group of friends with a good group of Muslim friends.
We found the most beneficial advice on how to best help reverts came from actually asking previous reverts themselves. An unheard of notion, we know, but it really did help us in gathering the best resources and tips for reaching out to reverts.
So we are actively engaged in helping New Muslims to the best of our abilities and with your help will, Insha'Allah (God Willing) continue to do so.
Recently a brother who I met for a coffee was extremely pleased with his copy of The New Muslim Guide, he told me "this is very informative and answers so many question that I have on certain topics such as Fasting, Eid, Hajj, Salaah and daily muslim life."
One problem he has found amongst some muslims is that they will tell him don't do this or don't do that but wont be able to explain why! which is where informative books such as this should really be of benefit to him.
These exquisitely illustrated guides presents New Muslims with the first steps and the foundation stage in learning about this great religion, which is undoubtedly the best blessing Allah has bestowed upon man. They provide New Muslims with guidelines in most aspects of life that they may encounter and responds to their urgent queries and thus gives them ample support to deal with people around them and successfully deal with the various situations in which they are most likely to find themselves in.
Presented in a straightforward style, these guides also provides them with documented information from The Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
So If you are a New Muslim living in The United Kingdom and would like a gift pack then please do get in touch.
We also have permission and the templates to reprint the Prayer Booklets and DvD's from my Prayer Project, so if you would like to help in reprinting then please get in touch.
“Who will loan Allah a beautiful loan so He may multiply it for him many times?” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 245]
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Credibility of any Scripture
us look at the internal consistency and the preservation and protection
of scripture (peripheral conditions). Since anything which has
doubtful, contradictory or has crooked statements cannot be attributed
to God almighty, as He is perfect and free of any error whatsoever.
You will also note that we have stressed our examples against the Old/New testaments in particular. This is because these are the two other religions which are traditionally monotheistic and have a concept of God, life’s purpose, death and afterlife. Other religions are found lacking in at least one of these categories or they have a concept of Avatar. Hence because of these points they can easily be broken down due to their incompleteness without even entertaining their scriptures. Avatarism – Although many may have heard this term from a movie perspective it actually stems from a Sanskrit word which means “A manifestation of a deity in bodily form on earth. This is a concept heavily found in ancient Egypt, Hinduism and even in Christianity.This is an extremely illogical view of God. Therefore when any religion has such a concept we simply go back to the understanding of God and argue that becoming human essentially requires the removal of Godly attributes and hence the Avatar is no longer God.
Contradictions – The Quran is free from any contradiction or fallacy yet other holy books contain contradictions (of which many by their own account have been removed – consider Mill’s Apparatus, for further details).
Old Testament:
• 2 Samuel 24 contradicts 1 Chronicles 21
• 2 Samuel 24:9 contradicts 1 Chronicles 21:5
• 2 Chronicles 36:9 contradicts 2 Kings 24:8
• 2 Samuel 10:18 contradicts 1 Chronicles 19:18
New Testament:
• Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) don’t confer with gospel of John on style, content and discourse. E.g. Water to wine only in John.
• Luke 23:26 contradicts John 19:17
• Mark 16:1-2, John 20:1 and Matthew 28:1-2 contradict each other
• Matthew 27:3-6 contradicts Acts 1:18
It’s strange that Mark’s gospel was produced first then Matthew and Luke copy Mark almost word for word; however John styles is in complete contrast hence at one point considered heretic. Bibles must be read horizontally not vertically to see how each account varies.Now Mark describes Jesus’ anger at many points yet Luke and Matthew never do, replacing or even omitting the word altogether, hence showing only compassion. Luke also removes all notions of grief and troubles from Mark’s account. Also, in Mark’s account, the disciples never seem to understand Jesus yet in Matthew’s account they always do.
Crooked statements – The Quran contains no obscene or crooked statements but on closer inspection of others, we see the following:
• Hosea 13:16, 1samuel 15:3, 1samuel 15:35, psalms 137:8-9, 2Kings 18:27
• Mark 16:8 – if they didn’t tell anyone how does the narrator know?
• John 20 – this seems like the end?
Versions – There is only one version of the Quran, the same that was revealed to Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). The other books have many versions (revisions) with differing meanings in many places.
• Simply comparing the King James Version, New International, New American Standard, New World Translation
• The Roman Catholic (73) version has 7 more books than protestant (66) version.
Additions /Omissions – The Quran is complete as it was revealed and in the language of revelation in entirety. Other religious books have had many revisions, alterations and even go as far as not possessing any record of origin or a copy in existence that is closely in line with its period of revelation.
• 1 John 5:7 – known as the Johannine comma “There are three that bear witness...” and the story of the female adulteress (John 1:8-11) and the ending of Mark (16:9-20) are not found in any Greek Manuscript pre 14th Century.
• John 3:16 – “begotten” removed as fabrication
• Deuteronomy 34:5-8 – talk of Moses in past tense, so how could that have been revealed to Moses?
• Mark 16:9-20, Luke 22:43-44 – have no evidence from the earliest manuscripts
• The most ancient authorities don’t have John 7.53–8.11
• In 1707 John Mill published the results of 30 years of exhausting study and research. During which was discovered 30,000 variations among the 100 Manuscripts that he scrutinised. Today we have around 5700 Manuscripts on record and number of variation is estimated figuratively between 200,000 and 400,000.
• "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) Turns out these comments cannot be found in the earliest Greek witness (a papyrus called P 75, which dates to about 200 C.E.) it is only found in Codex Sinaticus of the Middle Ages.
• Others modern mistranslations are found in Mark 1:41 and Hebrews. 2:9
• Tampering based on different opinions as seen in Matt. 24:36 – (they tried to remove "not the son"), Matt. 17:12-13 – ‘then his disciples…’ (Was added to remove misunderstanding), Luke
5:38-39 (tampered with verse to prevent any likeness to Torah/Gospel).
Although you would think this enough to dispel any notion of authenticity, there were two very clever spins placed on the discoveries. The Catholic Church (Frenchman Richard Simon for one) used this to signify the importance of Churches and hence the need for Saints to clarify the right from wrong. The Clergy who followed the Protestant Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura, like Richard Bentley, an oxford professor, argued that these errors were present before but it didn’t impact our faith and that we merely need to perform an exercise to get to the correct bibles. Even then he could only afford a version close to a 4th Century Jerome Vulgate (Latin, post Nicaea Treaty). He however was unable even to live up to his claims and died before this could be done and his nephew had to return the money taken for the project.
Errors in transfer – The Quran was preserved by memory and inscription hence the issues around illiteracy were completely circumvented; it was also handled with care from the outset and by people of authority. The majority of early Christian scribes were largely illiterate and literacy could be deemed appropriate based merely on being able to sign your name. It wasn’t until Constantine became Christian some 300 years after Jesus (AS) that any real effort was made to ensure proper scribes were doing the transfers. There are a number of ways scribes made mistakes:
• On page 1512, next to Hebrews 1:3, of the Codex Vaticanus, the text contains an interesting marginal note, "Fool and knave, leave the old reading and do not change it!" Highlighting a mistake of a scribe.
• Greek manuscripts were all written in ‘scriptuo continua’—with no punctuation, for the most part, or even spaces between words. This means that words that looked alike were often mistaken for one another. For example, in 1 Cor. 5:8, The final word, evil, is spelled PONERAS in Greek, which, it turns out, looks a lot like the word for "sexual immorality," PORNEIAS.
• Abbreviations - scribes sometimes abbreviated certain words to save time or space. The Greek word for "and," for example, is KAI, which some scribes simply wrote the initial letter K, with a kind of down stroke at the end to indicate that it was an abbreviation. Other common abbreviations involved what scholars have called the ‘nomina sacra’ (sacred names); a group of words such as God, Christ, Lord, Jesus, and Spirit that were abbreviated either because they
occurred so frequently or else to show that they were being paid special attention. But the word Lord, KURIW, was typically abbreviated in manuscripts as KW (with a line drawn over the top),which some early scribes misread as an abbreviation for KAIRW, which means "time." The word Spirit (PNEUMA) would have been abbreviated in most manuscripts as PMA, which understandably could be—and was misread by some scribes as the Greek word for "drink"
• Periblepsis ("eyeskip") - occasioned by homoeoteleuton (the "same endings") is where a complete verse could be missed out since the scribe believed that verse had already been copied.
• Dictation - similar sounding words when copying dictation - Rev. 1:5, where the author prays to "the one who released us from our sins." The word for "released" (LUSANTI) sounds exactly like the word for "washed" (LOUSANTI).
• Misreading – In 1Tim 3:16 we find that the abbreviated nomina sacra (theta sigma) for "God" (θΣ) word was actually an omicron and a sigma (ΟΣ), a different word altogether, which simply means "who." So it was not God made manifest in the flesh, but Christ “who” was. This misreading, found by Johann J. Wettstein in the ancient Codex Alexandrinus, and was due to a leakage of ink from the other side of the page.
• Incorrect understanding – In Miniscule Codex 109 produced in the fourteenth century the scribe was copying the genealogy in Luke chapter 3 from verse 23, and instead of copying the columns of names from top to bottom, he copied them across. Thus, in his copy of the Bible, almost everyone has the wrong father. Even writing God as having genealogy – couldn’t the scribes read?
Preservation – Peripheral environment
• Its Language – Arabic is very much a living language and the Quran is only the Arabic version...Where other translations are called translations of the meaning. The four Gospels were written in Greek as opposed to the language of Jesus (PBUH) – Aramaic. The language of the Torah has been dated to be a mixture of 9th, 8th, 7th and 6th century BC even though Moses lived in the 13th Century BC. Making Moses by some accounts further from the Hebrew of the Torah
than Shakespeare to modern English. Aramaic, Assyrian languages are now considered mostly dead except possibly from an academic perspective and even Hebrew or Sanskrit are languages only found in certain parts of the world.
• Accessibility – Quran has always been accessible to the rich /poor, King, pauper – there have not been any restrictions imposed on it. The Holy books of Hindus were for the ‘Brahmans’ not permitted to lower classes like ‘Untouchables’ they neither had the ability nor authority to read from it. The Followers of Jesus were crucified from early on by Romans – self imposed bans on personal copies of bibles were issued by Church.
• Memorised / written records – Quran was compiled in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). There are manuscripts which exist within 15 years of him being alive. Since the Prophet passed away in 632 CE and the Sana’a manuscripts have been carbon dated to 645-690 AD with 95 percent accuracy. Their real age may be even younger, since C-14 estimates the year of the death of an organism, and the process from that to the final writing on the parchment involves an unknown amount of time, with parchments often re-used. It was also memorised by thousands then and by tens of millions today - word for word.
o There are no original copies of any other religious book of Major World Religions even closely in line with period of revelation.
o Oldest Manuscripts for Bible exist in Greek and not native language of Jesus (AS) which is Aramaic.
o No original Hindu texts from the period they describe.
• Promotion – The Quran formed the social and religious code of conduct for a civilisation and was at the forefront of their education, political and economic system. It gave rise to one of the greatest empires ever known on Earth. There has never been a reign of any empire attributed solely to any other religious book.
• Details on its collectors/ scribes – The life and death of the scribes of the Quran and its method of collection have been reported categorically, repetitively and unanimously. The same cannot be said about other religious woks for which even the names of the scribes are unknown let alone their credibility.
o The scribes of Religious Books of the OLD and NEW Testaments are either doubtful or quite simply unknown, with no knowledge of their genealogy, pedigree or companionship to Jesus.
o The Hindu scriptures original authors remain unknown and steeped in folklore
o The King James Version Bible is based on Erasmus which only used 2 manuscripts none of which dated earlier than 12th Century
Protection – The authority and power of its adherents
• How was it recorded – The Arabic Quran was collected in entirety at the time of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). It was memorised more so than recorded and this is not a criticism but an actual marvel since the majority of the world was illiterate at this time. Literacy is largely a modern world phenomenon; it became advantageous due to the industrial revolution when it made economic sense to educate the masses.
• How its people lived – In no time in History have the Muslims been wholly occupied by any non- Muslim force from the establishment of the first Islamic state in Madina. Therefore they have never been forced to compromise its teachings or message. In contrast there was no real emphasis on Christianity until Constantine became Christian and even then there were the Treaties of Nicaea. Occupation of Oriental lands by western forces and Communism, Enslavement of Jewish tribes (Egypt/Babylon) are also in contrast to the conditions of the Muslims.
• Was it ever forsaken – Muslims have had no period of captivity or collective institutionalised pressure which required the Quran to be modified, amended or edited to be acceptable to the status quo. The Jews have undergone periods of slavery (Torah unavailable at Babylon) and or persecution – Christian Middle Ages (no bible could be owned), Stalin’s communism over Russia;
Hindus were ruled by Muslims in India for Hundreds of years and the Communist Ideology continues to rule over oriental faiths. UK secular law is superior to Christianity and secular law prevails over Hinduism in India, as did the British Raj when many Hindu practices were banned.
• Does it have any competing texts – The narrations of the prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) have always been considered separate to the Quran and were therefore recorded and classified as a separate entity to such an extent that it gave birth to the profound field of the sciences of Hadith. In this field the narrators and the text of the hadith undergo scrutiny. This is in contrast to other religious books where it cannot be determined where footnotes and explanatory
glosses by copyists or narrators have been appended to original text. Or there is disagreement between heretical versions of texts (Jehovah/Mormons) or simply between the Catholic Church and Protestant Reformation or Greek Orthodoxy.
Torah or Gospel? All good can only come forth when it is encapsulated in the standard belief of one God. The revelations must be considered in entirety and through the Quran we are able to do that. It confirms and clarifies what came before it and that it will remain as law till the end of time.
Torah: Summed up by 10 commandments – observe them while believing in the one true God. The prophets of the ‘old testament’ make no mention of divinity of Jesus (PBUH) nor that he can guarantee salvation or that salvation is through him? Therefore where will these prophets and their followers go?
Bible: Jesus came to fulfil the law not to replace the law – so why introduce an alien concept of Trinity? Or the divinity of man? If salvation is so important and the sole crux of the religion why are there no unequivocal statements of Jesus (PBUH) saying that he is God or to worship him?
Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." (Noble Quran 5:68)
So how should we present the Quran to “People of the Scripture”? - The religious books namely Torah, Bible, Psalms of David have divine origins however the reason they are not referred to today is because they have been superseded by Quran.
“O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.” (Noble Quran 5:15)
A good way to think about previous books is that although they may have divine origins they have now become obsolete; much in the same way that a particular software version is updated by a newer release. The latest release has the most up to date compatibility with the hardware – in this case ‘Mankind’. In case you are wondering about an update...this is the final version (hence the final testament).
“O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.” (Noble Quran 5:15)
more articles @ Just Dawah
You will also note that we have stressed our examples against the Old/New testaments in particular. This is because these are the two other religions which are traditionally monotheistic and have a concept of God, life’s purpose, death and afterlife. Other religions are found lacking in at least one of these categories or they have a concept of Avatar. Hence because of these points they can easily be broken down due to their incompleteness without even entertaining their scriptures. Avatarism – Although many may have heard this term from a movie perspective it actually stems from a Sanskrit word which means “A manifestation of a deity in bodily form on earth. This is a concept heavily found in ancient Egypt, Hinduism and even in Christianity.This is an extremely illogical view of God. Therefore when any religion has such a concept we simply go back to the understanding of God and argue that becoming human essentially requires the removal of Godly attributes and hence the Avatar is no longer God.
Contradictions – The Quran is free from any contradiction or fallacy yet other holy books contain contradictions (of which many by their own account have been removed – consider Mill’s Apparatus, for further details).
Old Testament:
• 2 Samuel 24 contradicts 1 Chronicles 21
• 2 Samuel 24:9 contradicts 1 Chronicles 21:5
• 2 Chronicles 36:9 contradicts 2 Kings 24:8
• 2 Samuel 10:18 contradicts 1 Chronicles 19:18
New Testament:
• Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) don’t confer with gospel of John on style, content and discourse. E.g. Water to wine only in John.
• Luke 23:26 contradicts John 19:17
• Mark 16:1-2, John 20:1 and Matthew 28:1-2 contradict each other
• Matthew 27:3-6 contradicts Acts 1:18
It’s strange that Mark’s gospel was produced first then Matthew and Luke copy Mark almost word for word; however John styles is in complete contrast hence at one point considered heretic. Bibles must be read horizontally not vertically to see how each account varies.Now Mark describes Jesus’ anger at many points yet Luke and Matthew never do, replacing or even omitting the word altogether, hence showing only compassion. Luke also removes all notions of grief and troubles from Mark’s account. Also, in Mark’s account, the disciples never seem to understand Jesus yet in Matthew’s account they always do.
Crooked statements – The Quran contains no obscene or crooked statements but on closer inspection of others, we see the following:
• Hosea 13:16, 1samuel 15:3, 1samuel 15:35, psalms 137:8-9, 2Kings 18:27
• Mark 16:8 – if they didn’t tell anyone how does the narrator know?
• John 20 – this seems like the end?
Versions – There is only one version of the Quran, the same that was revealed to Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). The other books have many versions (revisions) with differing meanings in many places.
• Simply comparing the King James Version, New International, New American Standard, New World Translation
• The Roman Catholic (73) version has 7 more books than protestant (66) version.
Additions /Omissions – The Quran is complete as it was revealed and in the language of revelation in entirety. Other religious books have had many revisions, alterations and even go as far as not possessing any record of origin or a copy in existence that is closely in line with its period of revelation.
• 1 John 5:7 – known as the Johannine comma “There are three that bear witness...” and the story of the female adulteress (John 1:8-11) and the ending of Mark (16:9-20) are not found in any Greek Manuscript pre 14th Century.
• John 3:16 – “begotten” removed as fabrication
• Deuteronomy 34:5-8 – talk of Moses in past tense, so how could that have been revealed to Moses?
• Mark 16:9-20, Luke 22:43-44 – have no evidence from the earliest manuscripts
• The most ancient authorities don’t have John 7.53–8.11
• In 1707 John Mill published the results of 30 years of exhausting study and research. During which was discovered 30,000 variations among the 100 Manuscripts that he scrutinised. Today we have around 5700 Manuscripts on record and number of variation is estimated figuratively between 200,000 and 400,000.
• "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) Turns out these comments cannot be found in the earliest Greek witness (a papyrus called P 75, which dates to about 200 C.E.) it is only found in Codex Sinaticus of the Middle Ages.
• Others modern mistranslations are found in Mark 1:41 and Hebrews. 2:9
• Tampering based on different opinions as seen in Matt. 24:36 – (they tried to remove "not the son"), Matt. 17:12-13 – ‘then his disciples…’ (Was added to remove misunderstanding), Luke
5:38-39 (tampered with verse to prevent any likeness to Torah/Gospel).
Although you would think this enough to dispel any notion of authenticity, there were two very clever spins placed on the discoveries. The Catholic Church (Frenchman Richard Simon for one) used this to signify the importance of Churches and hence the need for Saints to clarify the right from wrong. The Clergy who followed the Protestant Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura, like Richard Bentley, an oxford professor, argued that these errors were present before but it didn’t impact our faith and that we merely need to perform an exercise to get to the correct bibles. Even then he could only afford a version close to a 4th Century Jerome Vulgate (Latin, post Nicaea Treaty). He however was unable even to live up to his claims and died before this could be done and his nephew had to return the money taken for the project.
Errors in transfer – The Quran was preserved by memory and inscription hence the issues around illiteracy were completely circumvented; it was also handled with care from the outset and by people of authority. The majority of early Christian scribes were largely illiterate and literacy could be deemed appropriate based merely on being able to sign your name. It wasn’t until Constantine became Christian some 300 years after Jesus (AS) that any real effort was made to ensure proper scribes were doing the transfers. There are a number of ways scribes made mistakes:
• On page 1512, next to Hebrews 1:3, of the Codex Vaticanus, the text contains an interesting marginal note, "Fool and knave, leave the old reading and do not change it!" Highlighting a mistake of a scribe.
• Greek manuscripts were all written in ‘scriptuo continua’—with no punctuation, for the most part, or even spaces between words. This means that words that looked alike were often mistaken for one another. For example, in 1 Cor. 5:8, The final word, evil, is spelled PONERAS in Greek, which, it turns out, looks a lot like the word for "sexual immorality," PORNEIAS.
• Abbreviations - scribes sometimes abbreviated certain words to save time or space. The Greek word for "and," for example, is KAI, which some scribes simply wrote the initial letter K, with a kind of down stroke at the end to indicate that it was an abbreviation. Other common abbreviations involved what scholars have called the ‘nomina sacra’ (sacred names); a group of words such as God, Christ, Lord, Jesus, and Spirit that were abbreviated either because they
occurred so frequently or else to show that they were being paid special attention. But the word Lord, KURIW, was typically abbreviated in manuscripts as KW (with a line drawn over the top),which some early scribes misread as an abbreviation for KAIRW, which means "time." The word Spirit (PNEUMA) would have been abbreviated in most manuscripts as PMA, which understandably could be—and was misread by some scribes as the Greek word for "drink"
• Periblepsis ("eyeskip") - occasioned by homoeoteleuton (the "same endings") is where a complete verse could be missed out since the scribe believed that verse had already been copied.
• Dictation - similar sounding words when copying dictation - Rev. 1:5, where the author prays to "the one who released us from our sins." The word for "released" (LUSANTI) sounds exactly like the word for "washed" (LOUSANTI).
• Misreading – In 1Tim 3:16 we find that the abbreviated nomina sacra (theta sigma) for "God" (θΣ) word was actually an omicron and a sigma (ΟΣ), a different word altogether, which simply means "who." So it was not God made manifest in the flesh, but Christ “who” was. This misreading, found by Johann J. Wettstein in the ancient Codex Alexandrinus, and was due to a leakage of ink from the other side of the page.
• Incorrect understanding – In Miniscule Codex 109 produced in the fourteenth century the scribe was copying the genealogy in Luke chapter 3 from verse 23, and instead of copying the columns of names from top to bottom, he copied them across. Thus, in his copy of the Bible, almost everyone has the wrong father. Even writing God as having genealogy – couldn’t the scribes read?
Preservation – Peripheral environment
• Its Language – Arabic is very much a living language and the Quran is only the Arabic version...Where other translations are called translations of the meaning. The four Gospels were written in Greek as opposed to the language of Jesus (PBUH) – Aramaic. The language of the Torah has been dated to be a mixture of 9th, 8th, 7th and 6th century BC even though Moses lived in the 13th Century BC. Making Moses by some accounts further from the Hebrew of the Torah
than Shakespeare to modern English. Aramaic, Assyrian languages are now considered mostly dead except possibly from an academic perspective and even Hebrew or Sanskrit are languages only found in certain parts of the world.
• Accessibility – Quran has always been accessible to the rich /poor, King, pauper – there have not been any restrictions imposed on it. The Holy books of Hindus were for the ‘Brahmans’ not permitted to lower classes like ‘Untouchables’ they neither had the ability nor authority to read from it. The Followers of Jesus were crucified from early on by Romans – self imposed bans on personal copies of bibles were issued by Church.
• Memorised / written records – Quran was compiled in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). There are manuscripts which exist within 15 years of him being alive. Since the Prophet passed away in 632 CE and the Sana’a manuscripts have been carbon dated to 645-690 AD with 95 percent accuracy. Their real age may be even younger, since C-14 estimates the year of the death of an organism, and the process from that to the final writing on the parchment involves an unknown amount of time, with parchments often re-used. It was also memorised by thousands then and by tens of millions today - word for word.
o There are no original copies of any other religious book of Major World Religions even closely in line with period of revelation.
o Oldest Manuscripts for Bible exist in Greek and not native language of Jesus (AS) which is Aramaic.
o No original Hindu texts from the period they describe.
• Promotion – The Quran formed the social and religious code of conduct for a civilisation and was at the forefront of their education, political and economic system. It gave rise to one of the greatest empires ever known on Earth. There has never been a reign of any empire attributed solely to any other religious book.
• Details on its collectors/ scribes – The life and death of the scribes of the Quran and its method of collection have been reported categorically, repetitively and unanimously. The same cannot be said about other religious woks for which even the names of the scribes are unknown let alone their credibility.
o The scribes of Religious Books of the OLD and NEW Testaments are either doubtful or quite simply unknown, with no knowledge of their genealogy, pedigree or companionship to Jesus.
o The Hindu scriptures original authors remain unknown and steeped in folklore
o The King James Version Bible is based on Erasmus which only used 2 manuscripts none of which dated earlier than 12th Century
Protection – The authority and power of its adherents
• How was it recorded – The Arabic Quran was collected in entirety at the time of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam). It was memorised more so than recorded and this is not a criticism but an actual marvel since the majority of the world was illiterate at this time. Literacy is largely a modern world phenomenon; it became advantageous due to the industrial revolution when it made economic sense to educate the masses.
• How its people lived – In no time in History have the Muslims been wholly occupied by any non- Muslim force from the establishment of the first Islamic state in Madina. Therefore they have never been forced to compromise its teachings or message. In contrast there was no real emphasis on Christianity until Constantine became Christian and even then there were the Treaties of Nicaea. Occupation of Oriental lands by western forces and Communism, Enslavement of Jewish tribes (Egypt/Babylon) are also in contrast to the conditions of the Muslims.
• Was it ever forsaken – Muslims have had no period of captivity or collective institutionalised pressure which required the Quran to be modified, amended or edited to be acceptable to the status quo. The Jews have undergone periods of slavery (Torah unavailable at Babylon) and or persecution – Christian Middle Ages (no bible could be owned), Stalin’s communism over Russia;
Hindus were ruled by Muslims in India for Hundreds of years and the Communist Ideology continues to rule over oriental faiths. UK secular law is superior to Christianity and secular law prevails over Hinduism in India, as did the British Raj when many Hindu practices were banned.
• Does it have any competing texts – The narrations of the prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) have always been considered separate to the Quran and were therefore recorded and classified as a separate entity to such an extent that it gave birth to the profound field of the sciences of Hadith. In this field the narrators and the text of the hadith undergo scrutiny. This is in contrast to other religious books where it cannot be determined where footnotes and explanatory
glosses by copyists or narrators have been appended to original text. Or there is disagreement between heretical versions of texts (Jehovah/Mormons) or simply between the Catholic Church and Protestant Reformation or Greek Orthodoxy.
Torah or Gospel? All good can only come forth when it is encapsulated in the standard belief of one God. The revelations must be considered in entirety and through the Quran we are able to do that. It confirms and clarifies what came before it and that it will remain as law till the end of time.
Torah: Summed up by 10 commandments – observe them while believing in the one true God. The prophets of the ‘old testament’ make no mention of divinity of Jesus (PBUH) nor that he can guarantee salvation or that salvation is through him? Therefore where will these prophets and their followers go?
Bible: Jesus came to fulfil the law not to replace the law – so why introduce an alien concept of Trinity? Or the divinity of man? If salvation is so important and the sole crux of the religion why are there no unequivocal statements of Jesus (PBUH) saying that he is God or to worship him?
Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." (Noble Quran 5:68)
So how should we present the Quran to “People of the Scripture”? - The religious books namely Torah, Bible, Psalms of David have divine origins however the reason they are not referred to today is because they have been superseded by Quran.
“O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.” (Noble Quran 5:15)
A good way to think about previous books is that although they may have divine origins they have now become obsolete; much in the same way that a particular software version is updated by a newer release. The latest release has the most up to date compatibility with the hardware – in this case ‘Mankind’. In case you are wondering about an update...this is the final version (hence the final testament).
“O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.” (Noble Quran 5:15)
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